Human rights and disaster management in Venezuela: A history of silences, oblivion and omissions



Every year in Venezuela, hundreds of people die, tens of thousands are affected and thousands are forced to abandon their homes as a result of the effects of extreme weather events such as floods, landslides, mudslides or droughts. This situation may be aggravated by the effects of climate change.
In 2022 alone, almost a hundred people lost their lives as a result of floods and landslides, 14,000 homes were affected in the country. This would make it possible to extrapolate that at least 70,000 people were affected that year.

Nevertheless, a thick veil of silence and oblivion prevents us from knowing the precise effects of these events. This situation makes it impossible to take actions to improve disaster risk management in Venezuela.

In this sense, the recent Clima21 report: «Human rights and disaster management in Venezuela: A history of silences, forgetfulness and omissions» seeks to expand the knowledge of disaster risk management and climate change in the country within a human rights framework.

The document reviews different situations of emergencies and disasters caused by extreme weather events to reveal the current situation of risk management in the country in the context of climate change. In this way, to support the construction of new frameworks aimed at acting effectively in the face of phenomena.

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